Your people are your best asset

Are you ready to join the new generation of employee wellbeing?

Choose Womco to elevate your workplace's health benefits

Your company provides Womco. Employees have unlimited access to all features, at no cost to them

Employees take our health screening assessment

We personalise their plan based on life stage, age & conditions

Your workplace is in great hands

We give your female employees the data-driven tools that proactively help them to monitor and improve their overall health

You boost engagement and performance

Proper support boosts motivation, productivity, and financial benefits, including savings from employee retention and fewer medical claims.

Create the most positive and inclusive company culture

In 2019, 33% of UK millennials wanted hormonal health benefits at work. We consider all reproductive journeys, and are fully accessible and inclusive.

Find out what partnering with  Womco can do for you


Your HR manager takes the initiative to introduce better health benefits. The future of employee care is changing, and so are you.

Benefits providers

Your platform offers workplace perks & benefits. But do you include female health benefits - as these impacts half of the workforce?

Evidence-based, driven by pioneering research

Our research draws upon decades of pioneering studies on the food-hormone connection. Diet influences fertility, menopause, hormone-related cancers, thyroid, chronic hormonal conditions, menstrual health and female metabolism. Alongside our internal team and research, we use existing published data to consolidate available findings, contributing to the latest scientific knowledge in this field.

From symptom to solution

Our science-based approach revolves around precision nutrition to improve symptoms over time and naturally restore balanced to your body.

2 months

to significantly reduce PMS with magnesium and vitamin B6 supplementation.

3 months

to improve PCOS and menstrual irregularities with low-glycemic index diet


less chance of having problems conceiving for women following a fertility diet


reported fewer menstrual symptoms on calcium treatment in a randomised trial

User Privacy is our top priority

We collect and analyse personal employee data to uncover health trends and risks, enabling personalised treatment strategies. Our data is rigorously protected with audited access controls, ensuring user privacy and compliance across security, availability, and integrity standards.

Empower Workplace Responsibility and Become Certified

Employee Health Screening

Cultivate an informed workplace by offering employees the Womco app and necessary tools to enhance their hormonal well-being.

Educational Office Workshops

Receive hands-on workshops led by experts to equip your employees with essential knowledge on topics like menopause, maternal leave, work-life balance, nutrition.

Company Label Accreditation

Drive change and transformation by implementing our health label accreditation, reinforcing brand values and enhancing your ED&I metrics.

Does your workplace pioneer gender equality?

Not yet? Help us bring Womco to your team! If you're an employee, share your company's name, and we'll connect with your employer to bring Womco to you.

Frequently asked questions

How can Womco help me to attract, retain, and engage my female employees?

In today’s workplace, showing your genuine concern for the health and well-being of your employees is more important than ever. There are gaps in our healthcare system and it’s not always possible for employees to get the support they need. Juggling these everyday health issues – or even, more serious conditions – takes a toll on an employee’s wellbeing, causing them to disengage or contemplate leaving their job. Providing expert, confidential care not only helps your business to retain talent but makes you more attractive to potential employees. Take the example of women in their 50s, the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce. Yet one in four of them considers leaving their jobs due to perimenopause symptoms – and one in ten actually do so. With access to help and advice from Womco’s personalised solutions, women can better manage their symptoms and are more engaged, healthier, and happier at work than before!

I already have an Employee Insurance/ Health Assistance Program, why should I get Womco?

While Employee Insurance and Health Assistance Programs provide general health support, Womco actually takes it a step further by offering specialised, real human support and guidance to your female employees for all underserved symptoms and conditions they may encounter from their reproductive years up to menopause.

How can I use the Womco label?

The primary reason employers adore the Womco label is its ability to serve as a symbol of dedication to DE&I and CSR goals. If you aim to fortify your employer brand, align with your organization's mission, and boost talent attraction, the label is key to achieving these and much more!

What do employees say about Womco?

At Womco, we value the well-being of our users, and every day, we receive testimonials about the life-changing effects our evidence-based care has on them. Here are just a few of the types of comments we hear on a daily basis: “Womco provided me with the assistance I needed to address my workplace fatigue, mood swings, and severe cramps. By receiving the appropriate nutrition and dietary supplement guidance, my PCOS symptoms have diminished, and I had the opportunity to consult with a PCOS dietitian”

I work at a small company, but I want to get Womco as a benefit. Is that possible too?

Of course! We offer Womco as a corporate benefit for companies with 50+ employees. If you’d like your company to provide Womco as a benefit, don’t hesitate to recommend our solution directly to your organization.

Have more questions?

Just get in touch via email at

Get a demo

Attract and retain top female talent, elevate company performance and improve DE&I metrics with Womco ‘s solution today!